Friday, August 28, 2015


Many have written that desire and wanting are the enemy of peace of mind. It has been said that a person will have what they want when they want what they have. The goal then seems to be satisfied with what is happening now. And to do that we need to suspend judgement. What I see is not good or bad - it just is. To the degree I can accept the present moment I can have peace in every moment. Then my endless search for some better thing is suspended. I can relax! Seems this should be easier than it is. Just when I relax the mind says, "Hey look over there".
As I contemplated this subject one day I wrote this poem.

Wanting, wanting, wanting
My monkey mind wants another banana
One more endless banana
And all the while peace closer than hands and feet
Why then do I only feel the pain
Unquenched desire and so I run
And the answer resides within my chest
Turn in you fool
Save yourself
It's not out there
Turn in and dance the eternal peace dance
Dance with saints and angels who know the truth
And now I dance in truth and light
Peace my eternal companion
The state the masters pointed to
Hey, what is that shiny thing over there?

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